Amber Meekel (NL) is a graphic designer and visual artist based in Leiden, the Netherlands. Graduated from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (2023).

instagram: @a.meekel +31615685925

The Uninhabitable Low Lands, 2020

Visual essay inspired by nonfiction book The Great Derangement from the Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh.

In 2100 the sealevel has risen by 6 meters higher than it is now. A lot of the important economic cities of the world are build on the coasts, which will be gone at first. I was born and raised in a city close to The Hague which is now already 2 meters under the NAP sealevel.

In the future the whole earth will be an uninhabitable low lands.

Screenprint, 2 layers

70 x 100 mm

Dit is een afbeelindg van mijn project
Dit is een afbeelindg van mijn project
Dit is een afbeelindg van mijn project